Posted On: 08-Mar-2024 08:14:36 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

Knott's Trip

Yesterday the school went to knotts together. Honestly at first I wasnt excited about it but then it turned out to be really fun. The first ride I went on was Silver Bullet. To be honest it was really scary. I never get scared on rollercoasters, but this one made me so dizzy and it made me feel sick. Then I got panda express and the price was crazyyyyyy, it was 25 dollars for a plate of food and a soda. The bottled soda was 5 dollars alone. It was alright but it was just pricey. Then I went on the swings in the mexican area of Knott's.  Then I got on the calico rapid river it was a lot of fun but I got splashed and my pants were soaked. I spent all day with my big sister, Emma. Then after that we got starbucks and went home. 


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