Posted On: 08-Mar-2024 08:19:06 Posted In: Jokes / get rick roled
Posted By: ikill_em

why am i here

I'm at school right now; its Friday, and I am to tired for school.My friend wants me to go to a dance today. I don´t even know if I want to go. It has pasta and bread sticks, and that´s where I want to go because of the food. My friend is looking at old people, and now she is looking at cats fighting.She loves cats; she is a cat person, and she has 3 cats.I ate a strawberry, and my teacher walked up to me and said, Why was I here? I asked myself the same question.I found out that she does not have  3 cats; she has 2 because she is basic like that.My other friend is doing her project because her grades are bad.My friends are weird, but I have to deal with them there looking at Disney Princess.


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