Posted On: 08-Mar-2024 09:02:40 Posted In: Other / SCHOOL
Posted By: GaliTomato7

Knotts Berry Farm

Yesterday, I went to Knotts Berry Farm with my school. We went for physics day even though most of the school hasn't taken physics. We were supposed to get inside the park at nine in the morning but we left late so we didn't get inside until ten. Most of the rides in the park were closed so the first ride we got on was Pony Express. The line was short and didn't take long. After, I went on Bumper Cars with my sister team. Somebody hit me head on and the whiplash was awful. Next we went on a spinning pendulum ride and my whole sister team was extremely dizzy after that. Next, I met up with one of my friends and we started trying to figure out what rides to get on. Most rides had a long wait time or they where closed.


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