Posted On: 11-Mar-2024 09:11:53 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


My favorite ride at knots is the Calico Mine Ride and Ghost rider. I have been to knots at least 40 times in my life or more. I am actually not going to knots with the school this year because I will be out of state. If I was going I would be very very excited to go because I know the entire park of knots berry farm very well and every single ride. Ever sense i was a little little baby i would go to knotts at least 5 times a year. Ever sense i was little i've stayed at the hotel once a year with going to the park twice in those two days. Then i also love going to the shops and walking around. I am trying to get my friend to go with me not even to go on the rides but to walk around. He said there is no point in going if we aren't going to go on rides but i think its the thought that counts. I love being at knots. 


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