Posted On: 08-Jan-2020 06:48:14 Posted In: Pets / Animals
Posted By: nevaeh_vsco girl

my story about my dead fish based on a true story

One day  I was feeding my pet fish he or her never had a name because we didnt know its gender.thats because we had got the blue fish from a friend. But I like to say its a girl and her name is  bubbles. The day I was feedin my pet fish it wasnt eating so that got me a littlle scaed but the next day when I was feeding my fish he went up to eat and he was shacking like he was sick. But my older sister said it was nting so I didnt worry about it. the next day when I went to feed him he wasnot moving so i slowly touch him with the net and he was on his back. I told my mom and my mom said he was dead. So my sister grabed the fish in a ziplog bad and we flushed him down the toilet. May my dead fish bubbles rest in peace.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The end 


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