Posted On: 12-Mar-2024 06:38:35 Posted In: My Stories / true story
Posted By: Samantha Salazar

My Concussion

On March 18 i was rear ended as I was headed back home from San Diego. I had just spent the weekend with my cousins and was everything was going well. I went with only my older sister so it was only us getting rear ended. As we were driving out of a parking lot a big white truck rammed into us, luckily we were fine and our injuries weren’t life threatening. Our backs instantly started hurting but we didn’t notice our concussion until later on. On Tuesday, when I returned to school i remember being really affected by loud noises and bright lights. I wasn’t taken to the doctors until the next Monday when I felt sick. The doctor diagnosed me with a really bad cold as well as a concussion. Since then I must admit the conditions have not improved since there have been many school events that include a lot of people screaming and roller Coasters. I will be taking it easy and hope that my conditions get better. 


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