Posted On: 12-Mar-2024 07:07:57 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

Tug of war

The other day which was yesterday my class participated in playing tug of war against other classes and it was pretty fun to do. I would also like to say the main reason it was fun was because my class ended up winning. I think the main factor that led to our victory was that we would pull the rope but keep our feet planted while we would pull while other classes would just pull the rope and move with it. It was funny towards the end of each round because when people would fall it was a type of domino effect that they would fall one after another but I know that they are okay even though I was not one of them. I actually did wake up a little bit sore today because my arm was in pain but I did end up getting a bit of rope burn on my hands but I am okay.


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