Posted On: 08-Jan-2020 06:51:48 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: Yfabian

Sea Life/ME

When I was younger I wanted to be a marine byologist because I loved to sea the sea life and all its wonderful creatures.Fun fact about me, I  don't even know how to swim in the ocean but I do know how to swim in a pool.Yeah......ANYWAYS back to the topic I started to think about this carrier since Iwhen I was 10 which is when I first went to an aquarium.I was especially amazed by the jellyfish.Just the fact they glow in the dark and they look so squishy I want to touch them but I cant or I will get shoked or something even worst.But I still like them :D.Thought I am not more interested in being a marine byologist anymore Iwould still like to learn more about sea life.

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that was a great story

Feb 05, 2020

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