Posted On: 13-Mar-2024 03:06:35 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

Confirmation Clas

During the weekened i had a three day retrest with my confirmation class. I lowks thought it was going to be really boring and bad cuz they even took away our phones. like ofc i thought it was gonna be boring with my phone. At least i had my friends there but it was literally for the whole day from 8 in the morning to 11 at night. crazy but there were also some pretty fine guys. One of them was my team leader for my group and another was from another group. the class was basically divided into groups and each group had a leader and mine was kinda... kinda...kinda fine ig. He was tall, cute, sophmore, 16 idk i felt like he liked me but i could just be delulu. Anyways i think imma see him today again so kinda excited. 


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