Posted On: 08-Jan-2020 06:53:52 Posted In: Pets / Animals
Posted By: My hero academia

The car that goes woof (Aka Soleil that one girl )

                  Once there was a guy that got a car from his mom and he wanted to take it for a ride. Once he got inside and started driving he herd a noise the noise was woof! He thought that it haw coming from out side. But hten he heard it again but it was even louder that time. So he stoped on the side of the roud.  He got out of his car and opend the hood. He looked inside it was very dark then all of asoden a dog jumped out so he named the dog Deku and lived happily ever after                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE END



Seriously -.- "he named the dog Deku" anyways good job and make more stories. :3

Mar 11, 2020

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