Posted On: 13-Mar-2024 05:16:11 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: zdelgado


I feel like things don’t normally cause me stress it just gives me anxiety or makes me nauseous. When I get like nauseous and stuff it usally before a race or when I have a lot of homework when I have a test or when someone doesn’t listen. I think a good way to deal with stress is to breath and just be by yourself. I hate when I feel nauseous and anxious and people are trying to talk to me. It just feels worse and more horrible. I think a bad way to deal with stress is to take it out on other people. I usally deal with this type of stuff by sleeping or reading because when I’m reading I am going somewhere else. If not a I usally write down what’s happening and why I have a problem with it. If all else fails I watch like Jessie or some Disney channel show.



I agree!! Totally related! #real

May 13, 2024

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