Posted On: 13-Mar-2024 08:43:44 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous

lost airpods

How i lost my airpods. So i was in school and i had them in my pocket like always. So in spanish class we were doing duolingo and i wanted to listen to music, so i asked my teacher if i can and she said yes. So i put them on like normally and then class was over so instead of putting them back in the case i just put them in my pocket like the single airpod. I went along with my day, used the bathroom, walked around, ate lunch and then i had 4th period which was math. I reached in my pocket and it wasnt there so i checked my airpod case and it still wasnt there so i was freaking out. I checked the location for it and it said it was still in the school. i still havent found them and im scared because there noy even mines there my step moms, and shes been asking for them back fro like a week already. 


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