Posted On: 13-Mar-2024 08:49:56 Posted In: Other / SCHOOL
Posted By: Anonymous

spring break

I am ready for spring break because I'm excited and look forward to it. I don't know what I'm going to be doing but I want to go out and have fun with my friends. I want to go out a lot and have lots of fun. I also look forward to spring break because it's the best month because that's when the flowers spring and it's the most beautiful month and weather. It's also my birthday month and I like my birthday Month. For, my birthday I'm planning to go to Guatemala and learn about Guatemala. I look forward to the bright vibrant things to come up. I want to enjoy the sun and be active a lot and look at the sky's sunset. I also look forward to wearing nice clothes that are colorful and vibrant. I just want to be calm and at peace.


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