Posted On: 16-Mar-2024 06:38:23 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

Meaning of Drama

Drama means problems with each other and extending it to something big. The meaning of drama is a play for theater, radio, or television. How these two definitions are different is one is stuff that happened between friends and other people. The other definition is theater and acting. Why there is so much highschool drama is because of dating, and talking about each other are the two main reasons we have drama. I don’t enjoy drama, I used to be in a lot of drama. Currently I babe no drama and life without drama and people hating you is so peaceful. When i was in middle school i used to be in a lot of drama to the point i was scared to miss a day of school because i thought something was going to happen. In the beginning of this year i was in some little drama, but now no one hates me and i don't have problems with anyone and its honestly awesome.


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