Posted On: 19-Mar-2024 06:09:53 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

My grades

Hi, today I will be talking about how my grades are super good right now. Ive had very good grades this whole semester. I didn’t have good grades last semester because I didn’t try and I would never turn in my work or my homework. I don’t know why I did not do it but anyway. Until we had the award assembly and I saw every single one of my friends get an award. I thought to myself, this is never happening again. So I started turning in my work and actually doing my homework and now I have very good grades. I started going to tutoring for the classes I need help in. I’ve also been taking the time out of my day to ask my teachers if I need help or if I have a questions about my grades. I want to go very far with my education and if I was doing the same things I did last semester I wouldn’t be were I am right now. Then also my friend got honor role and I didn’t I now I really want honor rule. My goal is to get the highest honor role because I want the certificate. 



Wow Yeseniah! Awesome article, very heartfelt.

May 19, 2024

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