Posted On: 19-Mar-2024 06:54:43 Posted In: Other / SCHOOL
Posted By: arecur103


My plans after high school is go into a community collage the transfer to a 4 year. Im not too sure what i would like to be its in between being a nurse or a law enforcement. Just seeing how cops work and me going through many cops reports? it just seems very intersting career. and also i like to know whats happening i can be nosey sometimes when it come to be. Being a nurse also interstes me i want to be part of the labor &delievry of newborns. Like taking care of them when they born. I just have many expericence with newborn since i raised my little brother when he was born. I took care of him i fed him his bottle, i changed his diaper. i was basically the second mom at tha point. Those two careers im looking forward to accomplish. 


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