Posted On: 20-Mar-2024 12:49:57 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259


i think i want to go to usc. idk it seems nice. i’ve been there before. i know it’s like expensive. i don’t really know where to go, i don’t know what i’m interested in or what i want to learn. i don’t think i’ve really thought about it but i am running out of time ????. i think i’ll figure it out tho. it takes time trust. ???. i am kind of hoping for a school with good food though. like come on who doesn’t want to go to a college without good food….?. i hope there is good food cuz if there isn’t im going to be mad….. i mean it doesn’t have to be like CHICK FIL A or IN N OUT or anything like that. but i just want good food and a good education. so yah……. i don’t know what else to say. ?


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