Posted On: 20-Mar-2024 04:30:41 Posted In: Conspiracy / hot pockets
Posted By: Morales26


hello doctor Jorge Galarza today i will tell you about what i want to do in the future like what school i want to go to or what i want to do. I know i want to work with kids my dream job right now is becoming a Social worker i want to help kids that are in abusive house holds and make sure i can take them places and get them new families that will actually show that they love the kids and i know its a very hard job because you hear all these heart breaking stories but i just want to help kids i know with that job im going to need a strong mentality but i would do anything to. help kids in need i love working with kids so what i want to do is become a social worker so i can help kids in need 



That is a great job. Follow your heart and you will accomplish anything and everything.

Mar 23, 2024

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