Posted On: 20-Mar-2024 04:32:10 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Staceyy._.12

My Future Plans

I dont really think about my future often like what colleges I want to go to or my career. I known I want to stay in California so maybe a college like UCSB or UCSD. I dont know what I want my future to look like yet. I like the thought of going to law school and studying to become an immigration lawyer, but I am not sure if that is what I want to do with my life. To be honest I just want to marry a rich man and not have to worry about anything finacially but I need to make my parents proud. I have thought about doing sports in college but I am not really good at sports anymore. UCSD is a good school for law. I just hope everthing for me works out and I dont end up homeless. I'll start thinking about my future more.