Posted On: 20-Mar-2024 08:41:58 Posted In: Education / School
Posted By: Anonymous


My future career, I want to be the most happiest I've ever been. I want to be happy in what I do. I don't know yet what I want to do as my career but I have the idea of becoming a doctor, I want to help a lot of people who are in need of help. I know it's gonna be difficult but I want to help the community out, I know school is going to be a lot of years, and studying. My calling is helping people out. I don't what type of doctor I want to be, but I will look about it and investigate myself. I see myself as a adult doing my job. I don't know what I'm gonna expect, of my career but I look forward to it, the ups and downs. More, importantly doing the goods in life and making a difference in this world. 


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