Posted On: 23-Mar-2024 06:40:24 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: nhiguera


University, University is something I think about consitananly I am always reminded by my mother than I need to figure out what I want to be in my life or who I want to be, do I want to be a lawyer, or maybe a doctor. Right now I am thinking of going to a Ivy League or even a UC Ive been very active in clubs or extra things that'll look good on a college essay, by doing sports or going to sign up in clubs im thinking of being a criminal and justice lawyer or if not ill dedicate too being an anesthesiologists witch is the highest paying jobs and the hardest too do, a anesthesiologists is the people who measure the amount of dosage that you'll have for that specificities procedure you'll be having and too much or too little can seriously damage your bofay and affect it severely .


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