Posted On: 09-Apr-2024 06:32:20 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria

Spring Break

Spring Break

This spring break was ok. I spent a lot of time with my family and a lot of time doing fun stuff. I didn't travel to places like I normally would. I ate a lot and watched so much TV. I had to take care of my little brother because both my parents had to work. The first four days of spring break I spent with my dad and his side of the family. We watched movies had fun and hung out with my dad's girlfriend a lot. On Sunday I was dropped off at my mom's house and went to church and then came home and got ready for easter. I ate, played with my little cousins, and hunted for eggs. The day after that I took care of my little brother and dog. That was from Monday through Friday. and spent the weekend with my friends and family. I had a good time.


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