Posted On: 09-Apr-2024 06:34:22 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores

Deep cleaning

I did a deep clean yesterday in my room. I cleaned my closet and i cleaned my closet and bathroom. My bathroom was pretty easy to clean becuase i had already cleaned it before. My closet was also pretty clean all i had to do was organize my jeans and from there i was done. i also organized my shoes on my shoe rack. I also cleaned under my bed which was also pretty clean. I usually dont have a mess down there. I also cleaned my vanity. That was a mess compared to everything else. I wiped down my desk and cleaned my mirrors. I moped my entire room and my bathroom. My bathrooms in my room so i basically mopped it all at once. After i finished cleaning i took a shower and got to bed. I couldnt fall asleep though, i ended up falling asleep at like 3 am. I was just watching movies on netflix. 


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