Posted On: 09-Apr-2024 06:35:26 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

Spring Break

I loved my spring break. I didn't really do much but I mainly liked because I didn't have to go to school. I need breaks from school. I have 5 more weeks left of school and i'm so happy about that. Anyways, what did I do? A main highlight was Easter and going to the REN fair. Easter was so nice. I loved my basket and yes, I went on an egg hunt at my grown age. I also went to the REN fair. I thought the fair was just okay, I don't think it's for me. A majority of my break was just staying in my room and finally being able to use Instagram & other social medias (I gave it up for lent). I see why I gave it up now, i'm actually so addicted. I think I could've done better at lent because I failed a lot. I prayed for God's forgiveness though so I hope that help. That really sums up my break. I just took some time for my self to relax and be stress free. Now i'm back in prison for another 5 weeks. 


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