Posted On: 09-Apr-2024 06:42:02 Posted In: Food / food
Posted By: analicon


There is only a few drinks that I absolutely love so much to the point where i will get it at any store. First one would be apple juice, because of the fact that you could never go wrong with apple juice and any place that has it tastes almost the same or very similar. Cranberry Juice comes right after that because its a way to refresh your tongue palate after a full plate of food. It can have a bit of a strong or bitter taste but if it does happen to be too strong for your liking you can add a bit of water and the watered down version may be a bit better. It might seem like itll taste watered down but since the drink is so strong adding water would only reduce the taste a little bit, depending on how much water you add. The third option would be a milkshake. Milkshakes from anywhere taste so good and nobody talks about how good they are and how nobody gets them anymore.


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