Posted On: 09-Apr-2024 07:32:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous

Spring Break

During spring, I spent most of Holy Week with family, going to church, and eating some food. On Tuesday, I went to a Dodger game with some friends and watched them play the Gaints. Later on in the week, on Thursday, I went to Disneyland for my brother's birthday. I went again with some friends on Monday before school started.  Both days were really fun because I tried new foods and went on new rides. My favorite ride was matterhorn because it was the fastest and thrilling. There were a lot of people both days which created long wait times but we got on about 7 rides. each day. I also celebrated my cousins 2nd and 13th birthdays with a party. It was a very busy spring break, but I was also able to relax and watch new a new show Chicago Fire.