Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 03:48:42 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

Spring Break

This spring break i actually had fun and enjoyed it. Usually during this time of year Im just home and dont do anything. This year i think i used my time wisely and did a few different things. First of all, this wasnt really a " break " because i still had spring break work to do for my classes. That was kind of boring and a let down because i want an actual break and i cant evenget one during my spring break. Something i did do a lot this break was study for my upcoming AP exam. I need to pass that test bc like actually i need to. On Easter Sunday i went to Mass and celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. After Mass i went back home and celebrated Easter with my family. We mad pizzas and had an easter egg hunt. It was a fun time. On Monday I went to Universal Studios with my family and just spent the whole day there with them. That was also fun, but i went back to Universal on Friday, this time with my friends. I took my frens Stacey, Gabby, Amanda, and Angela. We had a good time going on rides together and it was really fun. Then on monday i stayed home alone and just binged watched Love Is Blind on Netflix. So emetional but i luved the drama. And now, well im at school. :(


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