Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 04:08:20 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: GaliTomato7

Spring Break

I really enjoyed myself during spring break this year. I went to Universal Studios and spent time with my friends. I got to get on several rides while there.  I also had the opportunity to go rock climbing on Monday. It was with the Onward Scholars and I had a lot of fun. It is something I would do again but unfortunately, I can't afford it. I did homework throughout my break. Some of my homework took me around 4 hours to finish. I got to spend time with my brothers that I usually don’t see because they are in college. I also played with my eighteen - week old puppy. I also met with my level in Girl Scouts to discuss projects we are working on and upcoming events. There was also time for me to just rest, watch TV, and play video games I enjoy.


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