Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 06:03:30 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

Spring break

Todays article will be about what I did for spring break. For spring break I ate good food. I went to lots of restaurants and fast food places. I want to fancy restaurants and fast food places. One of the fancy restaurants I went to was for my confirmation dinner. The food was okay it wasn’t great though, kinda didn’t know what to order for awhile. I got lots of money for my confirmation and I’m still going to get more which is great. One of the fast food places I went to is my favorite place, In n out. I LOVE In n out so much. I got a double double with fries and I shake and I ate everything. I also got a lot of Starbucks, like almost everyday I had starbucks. I also went out with my friends during spring break. By “friends” I mean really one friend which is my boyfriend. We went to the mall and he came over and we hung out and stuff. That’s really all i did, I also slept in a lot and fell asleep late. 


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