Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 08:38:09 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: bellabells1212

Spring Break

My Spring Break was actually really fun and exciting.  I had a lot of fun just hanging out with my family, especially my cousins.  My cousins and I always have a good time together because we do a lot of dumb and random things.  I had also gone to a Dodger game with my two friends, Narendra and Marissa.  The Dodger game was very fun.  We took a bunch of pictures together and yelled for the team.  Another thing I did was practice for volleyball.  I like going to practices because my friends and I just gossip most of the time.  I would say the thing I did the most of though was sleep.  I would go to bed at four in the morning and wake up at three almost every day.  But during all the things I did this Spring Brea, I was able to finish all my homework and not do it last minute like I usually do.


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