Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 08:43:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Spring Break

My Spring Break was very spectacular and fantastic. I had slept in a lot, but had unfortunately messed up my sleeping schedule. It turned from sleeping at 11pm and waking up at 7-9 for the break, to going to sleep at 12-2am and then waking up around 11-12pm. vIt was very messed up. I am still adjusting a bit now, but it has gradually gotten better. I now sleep around 12-1 but that is still the beginning and it will get better from now on. That's why I was also super tired yesterday and today. However, I was able to get through my classes and listen. Today in my seventh period, Computer Science Class, I had finally gotten my heart I made on Tinkercad for Valentine's Day. My friend, Bella, had complimented it. During the break I also did nothing, but practice. 


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