Posted On: 10-Apr-2024 09:22:40 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Abbyrodr1017

spring break

My spring break. My spring break was fun and chill i didn’t really do anything but it was relaxing since we didn’t have school and didn’t have to worry about getting up early or doing homework. The first thing i think i did was play fortnite. During break i slept a lottt. I also had to clean a lot because my mom made me and i had a lot of free time. I mostly hanged out with my friends because they live like 5 mins from me. We had a couple sleepovers and it was really fun. We went to the mall, movies, and other stuff. I also celebrated my sister’s birthday, we went to Korean bbq and are planning to go to Disneyland. It went by really fast and i wish it was longer. But i mostly stayed at home. 


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