Posted On: 11-Apr-2024 03:51:26 Posted In: Places / Adventure
Posted By: Biel

Spring Break

What I did through out my whole spring break was just go out with friends first I went to the mall with two friends and a bought a few things then I went to a party with eight more friends and we just hung out and had fun since it was at sky zone for my friends birthday then for Easter we all just hung out at a friends house and ate some food and just chilled with each other and we had some music too then after I went to the beach with my 2 friends I’ve known for a while by now and we walked around a bit got in the water and softer the beach we went to eat and that was it I also went to my Nina’s house with family for a few hours on Easter and just had some lunch together and watched the a car race I forgot what it was because I fell asleep cause I was tired. 


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