Posted On: 15-Apr-2024 06:34:46 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vale_killa562


why i drop friends doctor

dr its really hard dropping friends but i means you js gotta do it .Like people chnage n there are fake no capp doctor.Like ive never had like a stable friendship cause i never just never be trusing nobody dr.ANyways i wanted to talk about the doger game i was suposed to go to yesteerday with jv,like honeslty i dont want to be seen with them dr there so embarresing.There only there to be messing around and only joined softball just to join and that just makes me mad like bru why cant i just be on varsity ,like thats my level dr i cant be playing with these newbies it jus tmakes me sad,also this girl on the jv tean got invited to play var and i really want to play with them but igz not since the varisty coach has favorties .


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