Posted On: 15-Apr-2024 08:37:47 Posted In: News / CNN
Posted By: beth_allyn0508


Three robberies of the Colton gaming establishment, the owner reports, have occurred, the most recent at gunpoint.
The horrifying events that occurred at the business Into The Retroverse on Sunday were caught on surveillance cameras.
A man battling with employees while wearing a mask and sweatshirt is captured on camera inside the business before pulling out a gun. Then it looks that he stuffs his bag full of pilfered goods and leaves.The proprietor of the business, Jovanne Bernal, questioned, "What if there had been other customers in here during that time?" We sell cards and video games. Do you know how many times a day we have children in here? What if this man had arrived and done that when there had been a family? "What if a kid had suffered harm?" 


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