Posted On: 16-Apr-2024 06:44:31 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

The Solar Eclipse

On Tuesday, April 8, 2024, the solar eclipse was seen all across North America. Well, at least most parts. I know I saw it (barely). I thought it was so cool and fun. My family made a picnic outside to watch the eclipse. Even though the solar eclipse is super cool, people found a way to make it bad. People made it bad spiritually. The amount of conspiracies on the eclipse is more than I can count. I heard one on how pregnant ladies cannot go outside. I heard one that people should wear red. I heard another on how if you don't rub something on your babies than you'll be cursed with bad luck for 7 years? The list continues. I think the one that stuck out to me was Christ's second coming. The rapture. Everyone was so fearful that Jesus might come back on the solar eclipse. It got so bad, I heard of this woman on every news outlet. This woman was so fearing of the end time theory that she stabbed her boyfriend, kicked her two daughters on the freeway, and killed herself. She killed herself by speeding into a tree. She had two daughters, a 7-9 year old and a baby. The 7-9 year old ended up surviving with injuries while the baby ended up passing. I thought that was terrible. I don't really understand why that woman thought it was the end times when in the Bible it literally says only God knows when the rapture will happen, no one else knows. All I can do is pray for that family. Be careful on what you guys see on the internet. Don't believe everything. 


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