Posted On: 16-Apr-2024 06:45:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

99 cents store closing

During the past couple of days all over the news people see that 99 cents stores are closing and growing up there was always a 99 cents store down the street whenever I had last minute things I needed for a project. In the news you can see people trying to buy everything they can especially if they are low income families because when they get rid of the 99 cents only stores they make it harder for some people to be able to find groceries and even to find party supplies for any last minute birthday party. I now realize how different some things would be if I didn't make a last minute trip to the 99 to buy a card for someones birthday or to congratulate them on graduating. Sometimes just thinking about how where the 99 cents store was there is now going to be a different store and it might even become a fast food location. 


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