Posted On: 16-Apr-2024 06:54:55 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores


Im watching a tv show and its really interesting and im on the second season already. It hasnt taken that long to get to season 2. Episodes are only like an half hour. They finsih pretty quick so it doesnt take long to get ahead on the episodes. Also its really like entertaing so i dont mind seeing episodes back to backs. smoetimes i dont oay attention but they give recaps so that kinda gives you llike a recao which means you dont really forget what happened in the past episodes  . They basically undego challanges. ZIts mostly like survivor and they vote someone off if they lose. Theres two teams and which ever of the two teams that lose are obligated to vote someone off.                                                                         


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