Posted On: 17-Apr-2024 03:46:27 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jackie

Las vegas

Going to Las Vegas for summer break

During the summer break last year, I went to Las Vegas with my family. We left around 6 in the morning. When we got to the hotel it was over 100 degrees. My family and I were burning from the sun. We got lucky that we found parking next to the entrance. The next day, we got ready to go out. We went to the strip to walk around. While we were walking we walked by the M&M store and we decided to go inside. My dad bought me and my siblings candy. My uncle, aunt, and baby cousin went inside the Coca store, we met up with them inside the store. My uncle bought a mystery bag, there was a coca speaker. After that we got food and eat it at the hotel room. We also went to TopGolf to play. It was a really trying day. The next day we came back home and relaxed the whole day. 


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