Posted On: 17-Apr-2024 08:43:33 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

New Apple IPad

I have heard rumors that there will be a new IPAD pro/max. I am super excited because I have been waiting and looking fior the longest time to get my own ipad for school and at home. They said they were going to announce it in February and release it in March, but they still haven't. It has been pushed back for the longest time now. I am super excited and not normally patient, but sometimes I forget about it so it helps a bit. I told my dad that the latest generation ipad is about the same as the new one, but he would rather me have the latest version. This is because the latest version is from about 3-4 years ago. Therefore, we have been waiting. I am also so excited because I plan to get an apple pencil with it, so I can write and draw on my new IPAD. I am so excited. 


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