Posted On: 17-Apr-2024 09:20:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

Iphone 16

Today I am going to be discussing the iPhone 16. The iPhone 16 has lots of rumors and new thing that our phones currently do not have. Some things the iPhone 16 has is faster Wifi. They have Wifi 7 which is very fast Wifi. They also have a "capture" bottom. I don't know what they mean by "capture" button. Another feature they have is vertical cameras. This is the same cameras as the iPhone 11. One other thing the iPhone 16 has is an "action" button. They don't give a description on what an "action" button is though. What people are saying that the iPhone 16 might do is really using the AI feature. People don't want their voice to be recorded for voicemails and calls or messages. People are also saying that the iPhone 16 could record or watch you at any time. I don't believe this is true though. People are saying the government wants to watch us more. 


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