Posted On: 18-Apr-2024 01:30:01 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Juliette

Spring break

During spring break i didnt do much, I mostly just stayed home and was with my brother. I cleaned my house a lot though and i lowkey enjoyed it. I cooked a lot. I enjoyed the cooking part, i love learning new recipes. I also went to my confirmationn retreat. That was probably my favorite part of my spring break. I went with all my friends and when we got there we got to stay at this nice little retreat center in the mountains, the first night we got there it was snowing and it was pretty cold. The next day we did a lot of activities and we learned a lot of things that have to do with God and all that. I also walked a lot since we were in the mountains, during the hour of break they would give us my friends and i would go explore and climb all the hills, it was really fun we walked miles and miles. It was so fun I miss it.


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