Posted On: 18-Apr-2024 03:14:42 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

Vision Pro

Did you know that Apple has VR? It seems that every company is copying the Oculus. Google has its own version of a VR headset as well. I think Apple's new VR is low-key more "techy." I think the Oculus is good for playing games. I don't really know anything about Google's VR headset. What I know about Apple's 'Vision Pros' is that it's just like and Iphone but on VR. I've seen people use them before and there pretty cool. I heard that they give you a headache if you use wear them too much. That's like every VR though. People have been liking this product as I've heard. There are available for purchase in any Apple store. But, you have to make good bank if you want to purchase one. For just one, the cost starts at $3,499. Very expensive. Mean while, and Oculus ranges from $100-300. That's cheap compared to the Apple Vision Pros. Would I get them? Maybe. I feel like I wouldn't use it. I think my phone alone is fine. 


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