Posted On: 18-Apr-2024 03:35:01 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous

Cvil War Movie Rating

On Tuesday, I went to the movie theater to watch a new movie called Civil War. The movie is about a war photographer who goes through extreme measures to capture the imagery of war. I give the movie a 7 out of 10. I wish the movie could have deciphered why the United States was at war with its own citizens. However, I think this movie is very unique in its message. You do not see many movies focusing on the struggles of jounalists and what they endure. They put their lives at risk to give the public valuable information. The movie also raised new questions and concerns about whether the United States is on the brink of war. It reminded me of the American civil war with the north and south. In the movie, it was the western powers, California and Texas, against the rest of the country. The two most powerful states.