Posted On: 19-Apr-2024 05:28:05 Posted In: Business / basketball
Posted By: zdelgado


I feel different than people almost all the time because everyone is different in their own way. Sometimes at meets and I see they crazy fast girls I’ll feel slower than them, which in a way is lesser than them. Also, my team can pull up to a meet and just dominate the other team, which makes me feel better than them on the track but off the track the teams are super sweet. This also reminds me that when I go visitt another place people think i'm different.This has happened to me before when I went to Texas. I went to Texas to visit my aunt and we went to a water park. I made friends with this girl and when she found out I live in Los Angeles she started asking me odd questions. She kept asking if I knew any celebrities or if I lived next to any. She thought I was living the life or something. These things don’t line up for reality because those dont happen unless your in a movie.


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