Posted On: 20-Apr-2024 03:33:47 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jollyrancher

Dan Schneider

So this was like a few weeks ago I think and basically there is a document about Dan schneider and how he abused them and made them uncomfortable. It’s messed up how he made them do really weird and concerning stuff like showing them their toes and just make them do really weird and in my opinion inappropriate things. He was also rude to the cast member and it’s just really sad how he made everyone feel. This guy needs to go to jail. ElizaBeth Gillies was the one who suffered the most and she is scared to talk about because she doe want to talk about it and forgot about it but she is able to put him in jail but since she isn’t saying anything they can’t do anything about it. Luckily their were some cast members that kept the tried to keep the girls safe.


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