Posted On: 22-Apr-2024 05:00:54 Posted In: Technology / News
Posted By: Samantha Salazar

The Everything Robot

If there were anything in the world that I would like to be created technology wise I would want someone to create some type of robot that listens to every command given by me. I would give it orders like “help me clean my room“ or “help me with my homework,“ something as simple as that. This robot would help me when I am too busy to do somethings or too confused to complete an assignment. This robot would also be a companion of mine and would be there for me in times of need. I would name this robot ”The Everything Robot“ if I were the one creating it, but if it were me buying the robot and it were personally mine, I would make sure to give it a human name. This robot would be created strictly for at home purposes to help take care of personal needs.


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