Posted On: 22-Apr-2024 05:56:52 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

Flying Cars

I want flying cars. I want them so bad. In the movie "Back-To-The-Future", they said there would be flying cars by 2015, it's 2024. Where' my cars at? Also, when they do make flying cars, I don't want to see them looking like helicopters. The pervious ones they made looked like they were helicopters. To be honest, I don't know how they will make one without making it look like a helicopter. They'll figure it out, they're smart I think. Imagine life with flying cars. Laws would change so much. I'm so down to live in a future with flying cars. Don't get me started with the "it's bad for the environment," they'll figure something out. I hope they make flying cars before 2030. Another cool thing to make it holograms. Those are cool. too. Okay, that's all I have to say.


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