Posted On: 23-Apr-2024 03:42:59 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

Teleportation Device

A device I would like to see get developed would be a teleportation device. It would be so cool to just go anywhere you want in seconds. It would be accessible to anyone, that way those who are younger or cant drive can go out without needing a ride. And I think that if something like this were to be developed, we wouldnt use cars as often anymore, and that would also help our environment, less gas emissions. I also think it would be nice to just have that choice of going anywhere, you could go across the country for school and be back home for dinner in the same day, long distance would be long GONE. It is something that I think is nearly impossible though, because teleportation is more like a super power, so it would be a lot different than we imagine it to be if it did come to be. 


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