Posted On: 23-Apr-2024 03:53:24 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

New Development

A piece of technology that should be created that isnt created is obviously a time matchine. Everyone says how there should be one that is invented already but that would literally be impossible. anywayssss,, there should be one invented at some point of time. This should be created because well who doesnt want to go back to the past to see or change anything, and who doesnt want to see the future for themselves. There are so many times i wish i could go back in time and relive or redo some of my favorite memories. I know that there has been some type of research done to try to even create an idea of  how a time machine could even be possible but it has all been a womp womp. I hope that someone sometime in time can create at least one because it would revolutionary and literally break the fuckin world. 


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